What is visitdr.in:

visitdr.in is an appointment scheduling application where we assist you in getting a confirmed appointment with a doctor by making online payment. You select your convenient time and date based on the availability of the Doctor, make payment and get rest assured about the visit to the doctor. In case you are unavailable on the appointed date for any reason, a rescheduling can also be done based on the doctor’s availability.

How do we benefit Doctors:

They get benefitted as they make themselves online, allow a patient to book appointment with them without any human intervention and yet are available as earlier. They can also provide onsite appointments to the patients for future visits for appraisal/ review from their own location by making the appointments online through their user logins. This onsite appointment is also subject to rescheduling at the patient’s end thereby providing him flexibility of time and peace of mind. By making your schedule online, you can focus on other critical areas and spend your time on all other aspects of your practice.

How do we benefit Patients:

This website is developed mainly to help the patients in securing an appointment with a doctor without the hassles of a visit to the doctor’s clinic, or making telephonic calls. A patient can look at the availability calendar of the doctor and decide the time best suited to him. He also gets to know the dates when the doctor is unavailable. An appointment once done is also subjected to a “reschedule” should such a situation arise.

What do we offer:

We offer a seamless experience to the patients of a visit to a Doctor for consultation more so when such visits are in the nature of regular visits and not emergency ones. We bring doctors and patients together on the same platform so that patients know when a doctor is available and for doctors to know the patients who have sought and got appointments on a given day .All this is without any human intervention.

When you want a visit to a Doctor, look at his profile, his address, consultation fees, timings all from the comfort of your own home, or even your mobile phone. Make an informed decision based on all these and book an appointment by making online payments.